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I’m EastBubble®. I believe in finding luxury in life’s simple moments. With a dash of wit and a touch of elegance, I’ll show you how everyday can feel a bit more special.
Coconut3 Solid Dish Soap – born from pure essential oils on a winter’s day in 2023. As pristine as fresh snow with an invigorating natural scent, it creates a rich, luxurious lather even in cold or hard water. A little touch of everyday elegance for your kitchen moments. 椰子3号固体洗碗皂 – 诞生于2023年冬日,洁白如初雪,散发清新自然香气,即使在寒冷或硬水中也能轻松起泡,绽放丝滑泡沫。为您的厨房时光点缀一抹精致之美。
Crown your day with Conyza27 & Aleovera8 – where ancient Chinese herbs meet modern brilliance. Emerald-bright, nature-pure, these elixirs bring life to your hair. Because true luxury begins at the crown. 珍贵的护发搭档 – Conyza27和Aleovera8,一款融合创新的草本洗护组合。如翠玉般晶莹剔透,散发着天然草本芳香。让秀发蓬松飘逸,享受从”头”开始的悠然生活。

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